Thursday, 17 November 2011

14th- 15th November

14th November: we went to watch an ice hockey match at Globen- a big arena to the south of Stockholm (which does indeed look rather like a globe).

14th November

14th November again: as you can see, we were sitting pretty high up. But that meant you could see what was going on over the whole thing, which was useful.
15th November: inside a rather nice cafe- and the man who came to talk to us, who said he had been a boxer in his youth.

Monday, 14 November 2011

10th-13th November

10th November: experimenting with tonal drawing, which gets rubbed back, then line drawing on top. It doesn't show up all that clearly on here, though.
11th November: another experiment- taking the weather into account and drawing- very quickly- with a chunky clutch pencil and woolly mittens. Somehow I think this is going to be a useful technique in the months to come... Plus I have a new rule, which is that if I have an idea like this I have to try it out straight away, and in at least three drawings... rather than ending up with a long list of things-I-might-try-one-day-but-never-quite-get-around-to.
12th November
13th November: at Sjöhistoriska Museet- ie the swedish National Maritime Museum. All sorts of excitment there- inlcuding carved wooden figureheads and lots of incredibly intricate models of ships.

8th- 9th November

8th November: the house we lived in between- roughly- the mid 80s and the mid 90s. From memory... maybe I should go onto streetview and do another one, but it was really interesting to do it this way, and I was quite surprised by the amount of detail I remembered.
9th November: making cocoa and going for a walk.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

5th- 7th November: All Saints Day, a concert and some papier mâché figures.

5th November: All Saints Day here in Sweden. Cemeteries everywhere filled with candles as people remember the dead. We missed Bonfire Night in England, this provided a somewhat calmer alternative.
6th November: Mozart's Requiem at Maria Magdalena Kyrka.
7th November: drawing papier mâché figures I've been making.

1st - 4th November

1st November: I'd been on a baking mission...
2nd November: building sites are becoming a bit of an obsession, apparently.This one is a floating building site. When I arrived, I noticed the helicopter on the platform, with a big group of people standing around it. After a while it flew off- which is why it appears twice (yes, I know- it's meant to be like that!)
3rd November: quick pen and watercolour sketches from the same hill as yesterday's drawing, though a bit further along. Monteliusvägen, if you're interested!

3rd November: as before...
4th November: drawing from the same place for the third day in a row... looking down at some rather brave elder, clinging to the cliffs.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

31st October: nothing very Halloween...

31st October life drawing

And again...
This is at Tellus Bio, an old cinema in Midsommarkransen, a suburb of Stockholm. The place is used as a community art centre, and shows films, has games nights in the cafe, life drawing- all that sort of good stuff. It's unusual because you sit in the fold- down cinema seats and the model sits on the stage- or if you sit further back you kind of perch on the folded up seats and there is a board that slides out from the seat in front to rest your paper on. I'm still working on getting to grips with tonal work- and feeling like I'm actually beginning to get somewhere with it at last!