Wednesday, 21 December 2011

20th- 21st December. Special guest artist no.2: Liz Porter

21st December: Liz Porter
21st December: hyacinths brought by visitors on Sunday. Another really lovely swedish thing- bringing flowers when you go to someone's house. Now the flat smells amazing when you walk in the door.
20th December: ha! He's not looking down (much) in this one...
Continuing with the idea of having guest artists...My sister-in-law Liz has been staying with us for a few days so she appears here as a special guest artist. Now she's on a plane somewhere over southern Sweden...but her lovely drawing of a cardboard owl remains here.
More of her drawings here:


  1. Gee, two of you interested in sketching. How wonderful.

  2. Thanks for the post. This is a fantastic way for us to learn about the customs of other culture, re bringing flowers when visiting. I'll definitely keep that in mind!

  3. Some lovely sketches, it's obviously in the genes!
